which is why I suggested you start over with all new components. You don't necessarily have to go high-end like Brembo, which would be nice. I am not sure what else is out there and available. You could also consider a caliper rebuild kit, which might be a cheap option worth a try before you bite the bullet for new brakes. Trying to replace the OEM calipers with the same I think I read on here before is problematic, with cheap Chinese knock-offs being offered, but don't quote me on that. Good luck. I wouldn't take out a loan necessarily as Mike jokingly suggested below, but you may need to "save up" for some new brakes. Brakes is brakes, and probably the most important part of your car for staying alive.
"Straight-line acceleration is probably the first aspect of automotive performance that any intelligent driver gets bored with." Peter Gregg "We owe a lot to the dragsters. They always break something, figure out a way to beef up the part and then the benefit trickles down." Robo "Not everything that can be counted counts. Not everything that counts can be counted." Einstein